World Cup 2014 Ends = Zombie Days Are Over, But…

After a month of being a sleepy head, thanks to excruciating time difference, World Cup 2014 has finally ended. For a girl who is usually not into football (Except for the players, LOL), this year’s event is a bit of “turning point” for me. Of course my interest on football grew none other because I’m “blinded” by my love on the Netherlands, but… this very subjective interest has led me to put further attention on their football team and football world in general. I started to read articles on Voetbal International and with the help of Google translate, just to understand this whole football thing from the Dutch perspective better. I am also learning their “Total Football” concept, which I think is very interesting. From that I then read about some other football strategies like “Tiki-Taka” (which is usually used by the Spanish) and “Anti Football.” I’m sure if I go on and read further I will be even more fascinated with this football thingie. So to me, finding a new interest like this is a “turning point”. It broadens my knowledge and makes me relate to people (especially football lovers) better. It’s always lovely to get insights from them, especially their love on certain clubs or players. The history, the techniques, the philosophy, the strategy, et cetera, to me, getting this kinda knowledge is again fascinating. I can’t wait to read more! If you have any recommendations on which websites to visit, what books to read, which clubs to put interest into, etc… please do let me know in the comment section! 😀

Sometimes it took 27 years for someone to finally learn about something new. And I love what I’m learning about. I guess my curiosity could kill a tiger. LOL.

So what happened to my favorite team? As you know, they lost in the semifinals against Argentina on a penalty shootout. I still wished Van Gaal didn’t make too many substitutions so Tim Krul could still take the penalty part, but well, it is what it is. I’m still SO PROUD of them, really. For me they are like heroes. I sound so much like a hardcore fan, don’t I?

Well, it is what it is too, hahahaha…

So NL went on to have a 3rd place match with Brazil last Saturday, too bad I was too tired and had very little of sleep the night before, so I decided to just sleep as I had to wake up early the next day. Besides, I was still a bit brokenhearted that they didn’t get through to the finals, and I think this 3rd place match was not really necessary, I don’t see any special meaning to it, but if that means my beloved team can go home with a bronze medal -rather than nothing-, why should I complain? They have done their best. I love them nevertheless! (and love Van Gaal, seriously).

Ik be zo trots op jullie, leeweun! Oranje bedankt!


Image taken from here.


Love, love, love my Oranje squad! 

As for the World Cup Champion 2014, well, hats off to GERMANY! They really do deserve this! What a goal from Gotze! He must feel on top of the world right now! Not only he’s in the best international team AND the World Cup Champion 2014, but HE MADE IT HAPPENED! OMG. What an achievement for a 22 y.0 boy who has better eyebrows than I do, LOL. I really salute them, they are really swell. CONGRATULATIONS, GERMANY!

My sister is so happy her most favorite team in the world won. I was on holiday with her last week and we talked about our favorite teams and how much we love them and how we both were anxious about who’s gonna be the champion, ’cause we did not want our team to lose. And moreover she got mad love for Mesut Ozil, so that’s just worsen everything, LOL. In the end she’s the one with the winning team. Of course I’m happy for her but my mind came up with deeper analysis: What’s with us and Europe(an guys)?  I thought I was crazy enough to be that devoted to the Netherlands, but turns out she’s just the as me, only to Deutschland.

And we both plan to take the language course this year. LOL.

Alright, alright, let’s close this random ramblings and move on to the pictures. All in all, I’m really glad I can witness world’s event like this. It’s only through TV but I feel so much more involved this year and you know that feeling as if the whole world is partying together with you, right? I love that feeling! I can’t wait for Euro Cup 2016 and the next World Cup in 2018. I hope by then I’ll already be in the Netherlands so I can cheer together with other Dutchies!

‘Til then!

All images below were taken from

PS. If you want to check out all World Cup Highlights (and any other leagues too), check

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My sister is crazy about this guy… Rrrrrrrrr…

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Gotze the hero!


Oh Hummels you pretty thing!

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  1. Tos dulu sama ade lo sesama pecinta Mesut Ozil! Yang lain pada pake baju cuma dia doang aj yang shirtless. Ga tau apa lagi puasa gini?!

    Klo gw malah kebalikan lo, Tep. Dulu-dulu gw selalu semangat nontonin sepak bola tapi sekarang udah ga tahan lagi buat bangun pagi buta demi tim kesayangan. Faktor U abis deh. Sedih sih ga liat pertandingan finalnya tapi yah yang penting Jerman menang.

  2. Sebagai seorang yg nonton piala dunia sejak SD *yak 1994* aku merasa gagal tahun ini karena hanya nonton final. Sekarang info banyak ya di web, dulu mah cuma modal tabloid bola edisi world cup udah bahagia..selamat mencari info sepak bola Tep *sama sekali ga bantu deh komen ini* *salim teppy*

  3. Senang kalau ada orang yang mau belajar sepakbola lebih dalam…aku siap membantu mbak hehehhe. By the way, gimana setelah world cup yang penuh dengan kurang tidur, apakah kondisi badan menurun? Aku kurang tidur tapi untungnya separah parahnya cuma migren…gak sampai sakit flu. Kalau secara psikologis happy…biasanya sih kurang tidur malah gak jadi sakit 😀

    • hahaha, nggak sampe sakit sih, cuma nggak tahan menzombienya aja, hahaha… ini udah ngembaliin jadwal tidur lagi biar normal, hahaha

      mohon pencerahannya tentang dunia bola, ya! 😀

  4. Whoa, gw dari SD suka nonton sepakbola, tapi ga pernah riset atau coba cari tau tentang Total Football, hahaha. Salut tep udah mulai baca-baca 🙂 Kalo ada event besar lagi, kita seru-seruan yuk ngobrol tentang sepakbola 🙂 Buat website favorit, gw suka baca kolom Pange di detiksport karena dari dulu suka sama tulisannya 🙂

    • hihihi, ayuk neng! dengan senang hati, gue juga mulai baca-baca tulisannya Pange biar lebih ngerti… seru yah belajar hal baru, hihihi

  5. haha, im in your shoes 16 years ago. Piala dunia 1998 jadi momen pertama gw suka sepak bola. tepatnya ketika seorang Beckham bikin gol tendangan bebas melengkung lawan kolombia dari jarak jauh. ajaib banget rasanya ngeliat ada bola bisa dibelokin segitu lengkungnya ngejauhin kiper dan masuk gawang. you should watch his free kicks compilations in youtube. 😀

    from that day, Beckham became my idol. gw jadi doyan nonton dia main di klubnya, Manchester United. dan ga ngecewain, MU dapet treble winners(3 gelar juara di satu musim) tahun itu. akhirnya suka MU sampe sekarang deh.

    Oiya, Van Gaal mulai sekarang jadi pelatih MU lhooo. ada Van Persie juga disitu. ada juga yang masih kinyis kinyis *sodorin Januzaj*.hahaha
    (ini sebenarnya usaha terselubung supaya lo jadi fans MU. Muahahaha *ketawa penjahat*)

    tapi buat referensi, sering2 aja mampir ke youtube dengan ngetik nama pemain atau tim. biasanya ada gol gol atau skill skill pemain itu disana. toh sepak bola itu ada untuk dinikmati. so, enjoy 😀

    • Iyaaa, gue inget tuh golnya Beckham yang keren setengah mati! Dan gue juga tau si Van Gaal yang bakal jadi pelatih MU *dadah-dadah perpisahan ke Moyes*

      sip nanti gue youtube, ini aja tiap hari kerjaan gue baca section Bola di koran sama website berita, hahahaha

      thanks yaaa!

  6. Ah, ngomong-ngomong Van Gaal, doi terkenal dengan sikapnya yang tegas. Ini nanti anak2 MU mau disuruh makan siang bareng…yg telat kena denda…hahahaha! Siap2 deh kalau udah kayak gini, yg gak tahan bisa cabut. Aku juga sempet ketemu om Louis…minta tandatangan aja. Ramah banget, gak seperti waktu di lapangan.

    • kok bisaaaa ketemua Van Gaal? sebelum Piala Dunia udah jadi pelatih Belanda ya? (gue nggak tahu dia jadi pelatih Belanda mulai kapan

      • Iya, udah jadi pelatih, Tep. Dia ke Jakarta tahun lalu bareng timnya. Kalau nggak salah ingat, dia jadi pelatih setelah Belanda gagal total di Piala Eropa 2012.

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